Meet our producers! Click on drop-down menu at left to learn about each farmer. Inform yourself about their growing practices, personal stories, products and more! We encourage you to contact the farmers, ask questions and arrange visits.
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ABC Gardens
Bullseye Ranch
Charter Beef
Crazy Bear Farm
High Five Meats
Lady Kate's Garden
Nash Farms
Samurai Sue's Everyday Foods
Shoshone River Farm
Silvertip Ranch
Swanky Roots
Swift Buckets
Amaltheia Organic Dairy
Becky's Berries
Farver Farms
Le Fournil
Lifeline Dairy
Oil Barn
Olive Branch
41 Grains
Arrow Creek Gardens
Black Dog Farm
Blaine Mountain Salsa Works
Blind Cat Chocolate
Boja Farm
Caps and Greens Gourmet
Chico Artisanal Foods
Conservation Grains
Coulee Creek Ranch
Deer Creek Meats
Drange Apiary
Flours Bakery
Georgettes Galettes
Greybull Valley Produce
Grindy's Cheeseballs
Gruff Foods
Hot Shot Gardens
House of Ferments
Kalispell Kreamery
Living River Farms
Microgreens of Montana
Mission Mountain Organic Eggs
Mother Fungi
Ollie's Fruits
Pulley's Hot Sauce
Rodi Farm
Roots Kitchen and Cannery
Roots to Rise
Second Bloom Flowers
Seconde Pasta Company
Siersma Family Farms
Stone Soup Garden
The Sourdough Bagel
The Wild Table
Timeless Natural Food
Township Road Farm
Trevino's Tortillas
Western Montana Growers Cooperative
Wyoming Heritage Grains
Yellowstone Foods
Yellowstone Pasta
Yellowstone Poultry Co.
Yellowstone Soup Co.
Yellowstone Soup Co.