
Timeless Natural Food
Contact: David Oien
Address: 48 Ulm-Vaughn Road PO Box 331 Ulm, MT, 59485
Phone: 406-866-3340
About Us
Timeless Natural Food is located where the Great Plains of America unfold from the majestic Rocky Mountain Front into the renowned Golden Triangle, Montana’s most productive agricultural area. Here the cool, dry environment is ideal for producing the high quality, certified organic cereal grains, pulse crops, and edible seeds for which Timeless has become famous. Timeless was created in 1987 by four organic farmers to market the production from their own farms. Now we help support dozens of organic family farmers throughout Montana and the surrounding region with soil-building crop rotation options and new markets for their quality crops.
At Timeless, we pride ourselves in providing customers with the highest quality products – high in natural nutrition, GMO-free, and Certified Organic and Kosher. Our crops are produced by certified organic family farmers who care about their land and crops. We support these farmers with soil-building crop alternatives, fair prices, and new market opportunities. We also use minimal packaging and biodegradable materials to reduce post-consumer waste.